Yesterday I was musing on the fact that so many invitation cards use books in their design – whether it be images of book covers, photographs of real books, paintings or drawings of books, stacks of books, self made books, images from performances using books…..and then Daniel came in and I was explaining my idea to him and he mentioned that Christoph Schifferli, from whose personal collection a lot of the invitation cards in this exhibition come from, had himself planned an entire wall in the exhibition based around the concept of cards using printed matter – a nice serendipity. I was a little stricter in my choice though and only photographed cards using books, not printed matter in general.
Theorema – Pietro Mattioli

Anonymous user comment: “I saw Teorema the other night at Xenix where a Pasolini retrospective was playing the entire month of November. I needed a couple of hours and a few glasses of red wine until I could work out what I had just seen. It is a marvel of a film. Plus I also recently spent 2 months in Rome and was hanging out quite a lot in a little wine bar in Pigneto just across the street from where Pasolini shot his first film Accattone. Hence my attraction to this invite!”