Ron Nagle (b. 1939) was born in San Francisco, where he currently lives and works. His first one-person exhibition took place in 1968.
Les Levine
Les Levine (born 1935) is a naturalized American Irish artist known as a pioneer of video art and as a conceptual artist working with mass communication. In 1965, Levine, with Nam June Paik, were among the first artists to buy and use portapaks. Thus he was one of the first artists to try television as a medium for the dissemination of art. Levine has written on art for Arts, The Village Voice, Art in America and the Saturday. (wikipedia)
Av Isaacs opened a framing and art-supply store in 1950 before founding Isaacs Gallery on Yonge Street in 1961. The gallery went on to become one of the country’s leading commercial spaces, representing artists including Michael Snow, Greg Curnoe, Gathie Falk and Joyce Wieland. It also hosted avant-garde events such as concerts and performances.
Yvonne Quimbach@ New Jerseyy
“Quirmbach has been designing books for contemporary artists and institutions since 1995, when as a student of communication design in Wuppertal, she produced her first catalogue for collaborative artists Walter Dahn and Philip Pocock. In Cologne in the 1990s and 2000s, Yvonne was met with the ideal conditions for an emerging designer—her proximity to the publisher and bookseller Walther König, the galleries Monika Sprüth and Daniel Buchholz, and the Museum Ludwig all contributed to her developing sensibility. Among this milieu she sparked early collaboration and friendship with artists such as Rosemarie Trockel, Matti Braun, Walter Dahn, Monika Baer, Cosima von Bonin, Manfred Pernice, and others, all of whom shaped her work and her methods of working.” Source
Together with Jörn Bötnagel she founded the gallery BQ: “Yvonne Quirmbach was still studying graphic design, and Jörn Bötnagel had just taken a job at Monika Sprüth’s gallery. In 1998, a small space—the porter’s lodge—became available in the rear courtyard of the Sprüth Gallery. It became the BQ project space. In 2000, BQ participated in their first art fair, Art Cologne. In 2002, they opened their first gallery space in a small store on Jülicher Strasse in Cologne. A year later, BQ was invited to take part in Art Basel. They used the opportunities that these fairs offered in their own unique way: as “large solo exhibitions.” After all, the booths often had more floor space than their gallery. The gallery has been situated in Berlin since 2009 and on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz since 2011.” Source
See the show here
Booked Up @ New Jerseyy
It was a temporary bookshop at the independent art space New Jerseyy in Basel in 2009. See here. These books were for sale.
Sylvie Fleury
User comment: “Es war die erste Karte, die ich angeschaut habe, die mich als erste angezogen hat. Das Wort & die Künstlerin.” C.Z.
Allen Ruppersberg’sHoney, I Rearranged The Collection
Allen Ruppersberg and Lionel Bovier about the posters
Allen Ruppersberg’s Honey, I Rearranged The Collection
Beni Bischof
User comment: “I don’t know the artist. But I viewed the exhibition by myself (me + I) on my first day in Zurich after a long trip here from California. Jet lag and the golden balloons on the ceiling combined to make me relaxed. Me, myself and I.” Patrick McCray
Anna Roldán
User comment: “Auch wenn ich nicht weiss wer das Bild gemacht hat und ich auch keine Ausstellung gesehen habe, gefällt mir diese Karte besonders. Die Art, wie man aus nur ein paar wenigen Linien ein Werk erstellen kann, das so komplex, zugleich aber auch einfach ist, beeindruckt mich und regt mich zum Denken an. Wieso ist vieles auf der Welt so kompliziert, wenn man mit wenigen Punkten und Strichen so viel erzählen kann?” Sarina Wenger
Martina Kremeckova / Kunsthof Zürich
“Mitten in der Zürcher Innenstadt hat sich eine Baulücke über zwanzig Jahre behaupten können: Der Kunsthof Zürich. 1993 auf Initiative der heutigen Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHdK ins Leben gerufen, verwirklichten an diesem aussergewöhnlichen Ort im Aussenraum sowohl national und international bekannte Kunstschaffende als auch Studierende der Hochschule insgesamt über 90 Ausstellungen und Projekte.” Quelle
Liste aller Projekte hier
Timotée Calame: O-Tonomia
Invitation card for Timotée Calame’s exhibition at Hacienda in Zürich in 2015. WITH A PERFORMANCE BY JAN VORISEK AND TIMOTHEE CALAME.