Luigi Ghirri (1943–1992) spent his working life in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy.
“Inspired in part by the Conceptual art of his time, Luigi Ghirri used his camera to examine the relationship between the physical world and the world of images. His subject was the landscape around him, but his photographs are much more than visual documents of 1970s and 1980s Italy. With his uncanny eye for composition, Ghirri searched out chance arrangements in the human-built world, framing them in his camera’s viewfinder like found photomontages. He worked in color because, as he put it, “the real world is in color,” and he made modestly sized meticulous prints, rarely producing more than one or two from each image.” Excerpt of the press release by Mathew Marks Gallery for this show in 2014.
Temporary Vitrine by Arthur Fink
Bags for books curated by Swiss art historian Arthur Fink, one of the founders of Hacienda, an independent art space in Zürich.
Les Complices* printed matter
Les Complices*
Die bei Les Complices* realisierten und produzierten Ausstellungen, Projekte und Veranstaltungen bewegen sich zwischen den Bereichen zeitgenössische Kunst, Theater und Film, kritischer Theorie und aktivistischer Praxis. In einem dichten Veranstaltungsprogramm von Diskussionen, Workshops, Performances, Publikationspräsentationen, Vorträgen und Filmscreenings versucht Les Complices* undisziplinierte Formen des Austausches und der gemeinsamen Auseinandersetzung zu ermöglichen. Als Bestandteil der fortlaufenden Aktivitäten produziert und koproduziert Les Complices* auch grössere Ausstellungs-, Publikations- oder Filmprojekte, sowie Inszenierungen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Beteiligten und anderen selbstorganisierten Strukturen, Institutionen oder Gruppen.
Les Complices* versteht Kulturarbeit als eine Praxis, die sich kritisch mit Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen, den zahlreichen Formen von Rassismus und Ausgrenzung in westlichen Gesellschaften, Heteronormativität und Kapitalismus auseinandersetzen und sich aktiv an diesen Diskurse beteiligen möchten. Les Complices* positioniert sich damit auch kritisch gegenüber dem Konzept der “Neutralität”
Les Complices* wurde im Oktober 2002 als Verein gegründet. Der Raum wurde von 2007 bis Ende 2014 von Andrea Thal geleitet. Ab 2015 sind Gökçe Ergör und Martina Baldinger für das Programm verantwortlich. Mitarbeiter_innen: Ingrid Käser.
Invitation cards using books
Yesterday I was musing on the fact that so many invitation cards use books in their design – whether it be images of book covers, photographs of real books, paintings or drawings of books, stacks of books, self made books, images from performances using books…..and then Daniel came in and I was explaining my idea to him and he mentioned that Christoph Schifferli, from whose personal collection a lot of the invitation cards in this exhibition come from, had himself planned an entire wall in the exhibition based around the concept of cards using printed matter – a nice serendipity. I was a little stricter in my choice though and only photographed cards using books, not printed matter in general.
John Armleder
Wade Guyton
Bogomir Ecker
Terry Winters
Ron Nagel
Ron Nagle (b. 1939) was born in San Francisco, where he currently lives and works. His first one-person exhibition took place in 1968.
Les Levine
Les Levine (born 1935) is a naturalized American Irish artist known as a pioneer of video art and as a conceptual artist working with mass communication. In 1965, Levine, with Nam June Paik, were among the first artists to buy and use portapaks. Thus he was one of the first artists to try television as a medium for the dissemination of art. Levine has written on art for Arts, The Village Voice, Art in America and the Saturday. (wikipedia)
Av Isaacs opened a framing and art-supply store in 1950 before founding Isaacs Gallery on Yonge Street in 1961. The gallery went on to become one of the country’s leading commercial spaces, representing artists including Michael Snow, Greg Curnoe, Gathie Falk and Joyce Wieland. It also hosted avant-garde events such as concerts and performances.