An announcement for Building Modern Bodies. The Art of Bodybuilding, an exhibition about bodybuilding curated by Jörg Scheller at Kunsthalle Zürich in 2016.
Forde, Genève

Invitation cards of Forde, an independent art space in Geneva. The cards are from the very first years, as far as I know they were designed by Geneva artist Alexandre Bianchini. Forde was founded in 1995 by the artists Alexandre Bianchini, Fabrice Gygi and Nicolas Rieben. Every three years, a new curatorial team takes over the space at Usine, here is the full list.
Heimo Zobernig – Gespräch mit Denys Zacharopulos

Heimo Zobernig is one of the most interesting graphic designer of the art world, and beyond. He is also a brilliant artist and an unconventional and clearheaded thinker. Denys Zacharopoulos is an art historian and theorist. He was a curator, amongst others, at the 48th Biennale in Venice and documenta IX in Kassel, and an influential curator and writer in the 1990s. Here is a interview with Zacharopoulos.
Message Salon at Strauhof

Message Salon is a legendary project run by artist Esther Eppstein since 1996. It started at Perla-Mode on Langstrasse in Zürich, where Epstein organized and staged exhibitions, performances, talks, all sorts of projects, discussions, and outspoken opinions.
Around 2015, message salon turned into a nomadic artist-run artist residence project called „message salon embassy“. message salon embassy invites international artists to Zürich. Once in town, Madame l’Ambassadeur Esther Eppstein takes her guests to explore the local art scene, to meet people, personalities, friends and art. They visit galleries, museums, festivals, and occasionally cook together. Each residence ends with the publication of a zine, launched during a public event.
This one was at Strauhof and organized in collaboration with Ivona Brdjanovic.

For years, Villa Magica Records, a label founded by Sylvie Fleury, John Armleder and The Genevan Heathen, organized a Xmas Party. This is the flyer for the 2010 itineration.
Anonymer Kommentar einer Besucher*in der Ausstellung They Printed It: “Die Karte hat eine sehr majestätische Wirkung. Das Zusammenspiel von Gold & Grün auf reliefartigem Hintergrund ist wirkungsvoll und zeigt eine Stärke. Irritierend ist, dass das Gold der Karte anders wirkt, je nach dem wie das Licht darauffällt. Das Innenleben der Karte ist etwas irritierend und ablenkend, aber das Dschungelthema wird mit den Tieren sehr schön aufgegriffen. Was hat das aber mit Weihnachten zu tun?
Cool ist, das die Karte in der Löwenform ausgeschnitten wurde.”
Heimo Zobernig

The picture shows the Austrian artist Heimo Zobernig holding a whithe canvas.
“‘Nothingness is different for Everybody’ – This is a very true statement (words to live by)” Thato Mogotsi
Swiss Institute New York invitations

A series of surprising and ambitious invitation cards by the Swiss Institute in New York designed by Patrick Li (Li Inc., est. 2000). Gianni Jetzer, SI’s its curator from 2006 to 2013, first worked with FLAG (est. 2002) by Swiss designers Aubry Broquard who, in 2008, became artists.
A.C. Kupper

Ich Vermute, dass diese Karte zu einer Gruppenausstellung im Helmhaus von A.C. Kupper gestaltet worden ist. Ich finde sie sehr schön… aber der Lack lässt mich zweifeln…
Temporary Vitrine by Arthur Fink

Bags for books curated by Swiss art historian Arthur Fink, one of the founders of Hacienda, an independent art space in Zürich.
Invitation cards using books

Yesterday I was musing on the fact that so many invitation cards use books in their design – whether it be images of book covers, photographs of real books, paintings or drawings of books, stacks of books, self made books, images from performances using books…..and then Daniel came in and I was explaining my idea to him and he mentioned that Christoph Schifferli, from whose personal collection a lot of the invitation cards in this exhibition come from, had himself planned an entire wall in the exhibition based around the concept of cards using printed matter – a nice serendipity. I was a little stricter in my choice though and only photographed cards using books, not printed matter in general.