Invitation cards of Forde, an independent art space in Geneva. The cards are from the very first years, as far as I know they were designed by Geneva artist Alexandre Bianchini. Forde was founded in 1995 by the artists Alexandre Bianchini, Fabrice Gygi and Nicolas Rieben. Every three years, a new curatorial team takes over the space at Usine, here is the full list.
Low Bet, Geneva
Low Bet was an exhibition space run by the artist Laurence Pittet in Geneva, Switzerland, in the mid-nineties. Located next to the Musée d’art moderne et contemporain (Mamco), it was small, but active. The invitation cards were produced on standard white A6 and hand-stamped by Pittet and her friends. Laurence Pittet was know for minimal abstract paintings.
“Laurence Pittet, artiste romande, née en 1964 a très vite cessé son activité. Une carrière fulgurante, un arrêt volontaire, fruit d’un désaveu des milieux artistiques et de leurs fonctionnements, mérite que l’on associe sa démarche éclectique mais brève à la réflexion que nous menons et que nous développerons.”